Welcome !
Presentation Astreia
Getting up every morning to build our mills is our way of contributing to a fairer world. It is to offer the possibility of becoming independent again, of finding a flour with all its nutritional qualities.
When we manufacture our mills, cut our wheels and design solutions without on-board electronics, we put a lot of our history into it. That of a family business that believes in a fairer world, of a company that has a taste for simplicity, of a team that puts both its joy and its heart into it.
I welcome you,
Jean-Marie Ximena

Jean-Marie XIMENA
Founder, Co-Director
I started the construction of mills with the agreement of André and Pierre Astrié in 2014. On my farm and in my bakery I continue to bring my field expertise to our customers and our employees on a daily basis. I am convinced that we produce a useful and healthy product, which allows farmers in particular to live from their work and, in general, anyone to have excellent flour.

Astreia Companion Artisan
Present since the beginning of Astréïa, Yannis has followed year after year the evolution of our products and their improvements.
This global and at the same time precise knowledge allows him to answer you when you have questions and when you come to discover our machines on our production site.
He will also be able to guide you in the operation of your mill, and answer your questions when you make your first grinds.

Craftsman Companion Astreia
Jérémy est l’un des premiers compagnons de chez Astréïa. Comme tous nos autre compagnons, il a été formé pendant plusieurs mois pour être en mesure de fabriquer de A à Z des moulins robustes et fiables. Il partage son expertise avec le reste de l’équipe et aime accompagner et conseiller les clients lors de leur venue sur Péronnas. Les bras tatoués sur les photos ? C'est lui !

Astreia Companion Artisan
Boulanger de métier, Mickaël a souhaité se reconvertir. Il nous a rejoint en 2020 et a été formé à la mécanique. Il maîtrise aujourd’hui la taille des meules et il est fier de pouvoir fabriquer un moulin dans son intégralité. Mickaël fait partie de notre grande contribution, celle d'apprendre un métier, d'en vivre et d'en être fier.

Workshop chief
Davy joined the Astréïa adventure in September 2020 after ten years as a farmer.
He worked in the workshop as a companion for the manufacture of our customers' mills. He now holds the position of Production Manager to manage and improve work in the workshop.
Always passionate about this environment, his job allows him today to associate his experience, his values and the love of the land to your projects through the manufacture of your mills.

Philippe joined the adventure of Astrié-type stone millstone mills at Astréïa as co-director 2 years later. Planning, structuring, managing teams, giving meaning and value to craftsmanship, such is its mission.
In search of a professional mission that is meaningful and attached to manual work, he finds at Astréïa something to enhance this commitment.
Since then, he has ensured the strategic part of the company.

Design office
Arrived at Astréïa in 2018, Yann brought with him a solid technical experience and above all a huge desire to reconnect with the noble values of work. He quickly found everything he was looking for: team spirit, autonomy, managerial confidence, concern for the constant evolution of products and technical projects in the service of a primary cause in his eyes: to serve the peasant world and help it regain its autonomy.

Design Office
Gael a rejoint Yann au Bureau d'étude Astréïa en 2020.
Passionné de mécanique et d'agriculture, Gaël a trouvé sa place avec un poste et une entreprise en phase avec ses valeurs. Redonner de l'autonomie au monde paysan à travers le développement de solutions adaptées, simples, fiables, robustes et facilement réparables est une vraie motivation pour lui !
Son quotidien : l'amélioration continuelle des machines existantes mais aussi et surtout le développement de nouvelles machines au plus proche des besoins des clients.

Astreia Companion Artisan
Rejoindre Astréïa signifiait rejoindre une équipe qui porte des valeurs qui lui sont chères : réaliser un travail manuel de précision au service d’un produit qui favorise la qualité et le respect des matières alimentaires qu’il transforme. Issu de la maintenance électro-mécanique, il est heureux de mettre ses compétences au profit d’un outil de transformation performant et surtout durable tout en restant simple à utiliser.

Sales manager
Olivia's mission is to respond to all requests from our customers. Passionate about meeting Jean-Marie and his contribution to the agricultural world, she offers Astréïa her ability to listen, her advice and her expertise. Lucky to speak 3 languages fluently, she accompanies our French and foreign customers to choose the right product to live with dignity from their work with ease.

Site Director
Lina joined us in 2022 as site manager. Its main missions are the safety of the companions in order to prevent risks related to the activity, the supply and purchase of materials, the monitoring of stocks, as well as the improvement of productivity. Very enthusiastic about Astréïa's values such as people, autonomy, altruism, consideration and family spirit.

Administrative manager
Séverine a pris part à l’aventure Astréïa en mai 2022. Responsable de la satisfaction client, elle est en charge du suivi de vos commandes et de l’organisation du bon déroulement de l’enlèvement de vos produits Astréïa. Elle est à l’écoute et met tout en œuvre pour répondre aux attentes des clients. Réactivité, dynamisme et persévérance sont les maîtres-mots qui l’animent. Elle apprécie particulièrement l’ambiance conviviale et le professionnalisme de l’équipe qui travaille avec passion.

Astreia Companion Artisan
Venant du secteur du bâtiment, Régis est arrivé en 2021. Régis fabrique vos moulins à meules de pierre Astréïa. Il apprécie la taille humaine de l’entreprise. Il s’est très vite intégré à l’équipe. Ce qui l’aime particulièrement ? la réactivité dans la résolution de problèmes et l’écoute attentive des dirigeants.