Moulin Astréïa for your Bakery
A mill Astréïa designed and studied for your bakery
Specialist in stone millstones known as "Type Astrié" since 2014, we present to you a mill for the Bakery. This year we can provide you with a mill specifically designed for the bakery or your point of sale with a wheelbase of only 1m2.
Already available on order
A complete wheat, flour, bread solution
This solution allows you to benefit from:
wheat ready to grind in 25kg bags
a practical and solid training for baking on millstone flour
a mill to make your wholemeal flour and animate your bakery
A mill in the Bakery, for whom? For what ?
Our Story is your Story
I am Jean-Marie XIMENA, I am the founder of Astréïa. I am a Farmer and Baker. Once I had my bakery CAP, I was able to test the market and understand how differentiation by snacking-type product brought little added value to the baker. I was also able to identify the new expectations of our customers: digestible bread, of excellent quality to rediscover the flavors and aromas of yesteryear.
A fine and quality flour for your health
I then equipped myself with an Astrié-type mill and I could immediately see the difference: I work fine, soft flour. I have never had any dermatological or respiratory problems. I control the entire chain from wheat to bread to provide total transparency to my customers.
A profitable bakery in 2023?
The only way we have today to have a profitable bakery is to make excellent quality bread with exceptional flour. Individuals consume less bread? Yes ! But which one?
As a baker, we have a responsibility to give pride of place to our know-how by working with flour that respects our health and that of our customers. So choose organic wheat, ideally grown on living soils and be sure of the right grind.
For this nothing better than a mill in your shop that will manufacture your flour directly for you, your team and your customers.
A complete ecosystem Wheat Flour Bread
Ready-to-mill wheat in 25-kilo bags delivered directly to your home
Training from your order to be comfortable in the recipes of your wholemeal breads
A simple Astréia mill, without any electronics, robust to make flour and liven up your point of sale
What do our customers really want when they walk into a bakery?
They want to find a simple and healthy bread.
They want to find an artisan with whom they can trade.
They want to make a difference by consuming locally
They want to learn, understand without having to ask
They want to be able to be confident in the bread they give their children
They want to be able to eat again healthy bread that does not make you fat
They want to be proud to serve you
How will the mill in the bakery make the difference?
No need to train for a new job. The mill will make the animation in the bakery. You will be able to show young and old how the wheat passes through the millstones, they will be able to see the flour pouring into the bag and will be able to smell the smell of fresh flour.
You can use your flour to make wholemeal breads that will add more value and allow you to stand out. The "Farine Astréïa" label will allow you to join a selective group of bakers who have chosen to differentiate themselves in their core business.
Design and source of materials
Granite millstones from Sidobre (Tarn, 81),
Made in France Ain (01)
Handcrafted without division of labor by our companions in Ain (01)

Chez Astréïa, nous sommes aussi boulangers et nous connaissons parfaitement les contraintes du quotidien de la boulangerie. Nous avons fabriqués ce Moulin pour les boulangers car nous le sommes aussi.
Les réglages du moulin Astréïa sont faciles. Sans haute technologie embarquée, vous avez 2 manettes manuelles à régler en fonction du débit de grain pour produire de la farine ou de la mise en scène que vous voulez réaliser pour montrer à vos clients votre savoir-faire.
La farine que vous allez produire est hautement nutritive, sans aucun additif. Nous sommes des spécialistes de la farine haut de gamme grâce au procédé Astrié. Votre farine est douce et facile à travailler sans aucun impact sur votre santé, celles de vos salariés et bien entendu, digeste, enfin !
Le moulin Astréïa pour la boulangerie a un empattement d'1m2 seulement, permettant de se loger aussi bien sur un côté de la boulangerie que dans une mise en scène de vitrine.
Le Moulin Astréïa pour la boulangerie est fait de transparence : sur la trémie, sur les meules. Vos clients peuvent voir le parcours du grain de blé dans le moulin. Il est donc facile en un seul regard d'en comprendre le fonctionnement et l'intérêt pour leur santé !
Au-delà des grands mots sur les circuits courts et l'économie locale, vous avez ici un produit qui vaut mille mots.
Vous montrez à vos clients que vous travaillez avec des céréales de qualité pour réaliser une farine chez vous que vous transformez en pain ! Nul besoin de discours, tout est devant leurs yeux !
Pour que le nettoyage de fin de journée soit facile et rapide, le moulin Astréïa est fabriqué sur roulettes pour un déplacement rapide et sécurisé dans votre boutique. Fini la corvée du déplacement des machines !
Rien de mieux pour montrer à vos clients que vous travaillez du grain au pain. Vos clients voient le grain se transformer en farine sous leurs yeux et découvrent vos pains et vos recettes. Une image vaut mille mots, et le Moulin Astréïa met ainsi en valeur votre travail.
Poids (trémie vide) : 300kg
Trémie : 100kg de grains
Farine intégrale stockée dans un sac de 25 kilos ou moins selon vos besoins et vos sacs de farine.
Encombrement d'1m2 (93,0 x 83,6 cm d'emprise au sol)
10 kilos of flour per hour
No sieving necessary
Wholemeal flour
Transparent wheat hopper
Archure security to see the millstones spinning
100% preserved wheat germ for an easily digestible and nutritious flour
No Crushing: This is not a traditional burr grinder. Our process makes it possible to preserve the gluten-starch bonds for bread-making.
Quality and Finesse: you work with fine, quality flour for exceptional breads
Few electronics: the elements are mechanical, simple and robust with 2 adjustments to be made.

Technical specifications
Compliance with food standards
Compliance with health and safety standards
Complete and total respect for André and Pierre Astrié's process
Flow and yield
The hopper can store 100 kilos of wheat
Output of 15 kg of wholemeal flour / hour
Flow rate adjustable with one hand using a flow lever
Automatic stop of the mill when the hopper is empty
Automatic stop of the grinder when the bag of flour is full
Electric wheat mill: wheat only? No ! Seeds, cereals compatible
All sufficiently dry seeds (about 15% moisture content)
Weight and Size
Weight: approximately 250 kilos for the empty mill
Wheels: 50 cm
Ground wheelbase
1 m2
Design and source of materials
Millstones in Sidobre granite (Tarn, 81), diameter 50cm
Mechanically welded frame
French made
In summary !
The mill does not crush the wheat but theunfolds.
The flour is little heated, little oxidized.
This process makes it possible to obtain a flour that is easy to work with, tasty, nutritious and above all particularlydigest including for some people who, until then, thought they were gluten intolerant.
You get 80% extraction in a single pass with a 300 micron sieve.
The distance between the wheels is easily adjusted by hand thanks to the mechanical lever
Each mill is producedt by an Astréïa companion from A to Z
who signs his creation for the person who will receive it.